In considerations of lighting options, it can be a little overwhelming as there are no set of rules. But people have different ideas about what type of lighting scheme accompanies them – some prefer pocket light for homely feel and others a modern look. Never the less, here are few aspects you could focus on while choosing the lighting for your space.


What is the activity is planned in the space? The usage of different spaces demands different kinds of lighting, soothing lights for relaxing spaces, task lights for work spaces… every individual has their requirement of light based on their usage.


How would you like the mood to be set in the space? Would you like an atmosphere of freshness, contemporary sophistication, a place of reflective calm, a romantic feeling, or maybe a warm and comfortable retreat? It will at least help remove what you don’t want.


How much light is required in the space? This will be greatly influenced by the amount of available natural light, as well as other décor decisions you make, such the colour of the walls, the furniture, and the type, tone, and quality of fabrics. If darker the shades of colour in the space more the light required and vice versa.


All the aspects are interdependent on one another, the size of lights depend on the quantity of light and aesthetics. Small spaces with big sized lights leave feels out of place.

Ambient Light

Considering the existing lighting condition of the spaces also is one important aspect. This helps you plan the lighting quantity and is cost saving. In other words, once you have your ambient light as a starting point, use this as your foundation and add character with smaller options to complete the design.

Task lights

Lights provided for specific tasks. These are the brighter, more compact lights made to be utilised precisely where you need them, such as a cosy reading nook lit by a floor lamp, a useful desk light, or a bedroom table lamp for that boudoir feel. The most imaginative lighting allows you to give the space some dimension, charm, and individuality.

Spot Lights

Do you want to draw attention to any particular aspects or qualities that you feel are particularly noteworthy? In order to view artwork to its fullest, it might benefit greatly from adequate individual spot down lights.

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